Natalie's Color Palette

Color names are just for easy reference

Real Teal

Jewel Teal

Cadet Blue

Ocean View


Chesnut Rose

Very Berry



Blooming Lilac




Lemon Drop

Golden Glow

What If You Could Outline Your Course TODAY and Know It’s Going to Be a Big Hit? 

Take Your Binge-Worthy Course From Idea To Outline To Launch Plan In Just One Afternoon

Get Ready to Develop Your Idea Into an Outline and Plan Your Whole Course Launch In Just One Day!

Enroll NOW And Get the Fast-Track Roadmap from Idea to Fully Planned Course and Launch In Just One Day… Even If You’ve Never Launched a Course Before!

Get Immediate Access to EVERYTHING Inside the

Game On Goldmine

JUST $97


 Your order is protected by a 365-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. 

Here’s What You’ll Discover Inside This Program Bundle:

In these courses, I’ll show you exactly how to turn your course idea into a fully fledged course outline the Binge Worthy way AND a complete launch plan.

We’ll cover:

  • The three numbers you need before you plan a single thing for your course or launch

  • What to expect revenue-wise for your first course launch, with an audience and without (these numbers will pleasantly surprise you!)

  • The 5 Ps for selecting a great course topic that will be exciting for your students… and profitable for you

  • My simple test for validating your course idea… and getting the creative juices flowing at the same time

  • How to use the MRIs – Market Research Interviews – to uncover your students’ dreams and struggles and line up prospective buyers

  • The 5-step process for getting MRIs scheduled and how to approach them to get positive responses

  • The 7 Sacred Keys for planning your course content… and how to use those as the basis for your course outline

  • Easy ways to add gamification elements to your course, and at what points along the way

  • Tips for pre-selling your course and having buyers enrolling before you’ve even produced a single lesson 

  • How and when to create your course content

  • Why you DON’T want to create the entire course immediately

  • Ways to get more students into your course & knock your sales goals out of the park

… And This Is Just A Snapshot Of What You’ll Learn In the Game On Goldmine!

Get Immediate Access to EVERYTHING Inside the

The Game On Goldmine

JUST $97


Here’s a FULL Break-Down of EVERYTHING You’ll Get When You Get Inside the Game On Goldmine.

Bundle Piece #1.


You know what makes courses truly addictive?

It's that touch of gamification that keeps students engaged and excited.

Seriously, a course without some game-like elements is like missing out on the best part of binge-watching!

And here's the sweet deal:

We've got 55 fantastic ideas to sprinkle that gamified magic into your course, making it an irresistible rollercoaster of fun for your students.

Plus, we're throwing in 11 different kinds of prizes you can offer – because rewards make the journey even more thrilling!

Imagine skipping the hours of brainstorming for the "fun stuff." Instead, you can simply pick from our proven ideas. We've even got a video to walk you through each of them.

Bundle Piece #2:


Imagine having students signing up for your course as early as TOMORROW.

Sound exciting?

Well, buckle up because I've got the key to making it happen right here!

As part of the Game On Goldmine, I'll guide you through the whole process.

Seriously, from outlining your course step-by-step to crafting the master plan for launching it – strategies, tactics, timeframes, and all.

And hey, we're not stopping there; you'll even get the scoop on early student enrollment!

Ready to dive in and take charge?

Let's do this! Snag this video and graphic training when you join the Game On Goldmine today!

Get all this and more when you purchase the Game On Goldmine Today.  

Here’s a Recap of EVERYTHING That’s Included In

The Game On Goldmine

Discover the Binge Worthy way to turn your course idea into an engaging outline and a dynamic launch plan. I’ll cover:

  • The 3 essential numbers before you plan anything

  • Revenue insights for your first launch, with or without an audience

  • 5 Ps test to discover if your topic will be profitable

  • Validating ideas and sparking creativity

  • Using Market Research Interviews (MRIs) for uncovering student struggles and prospects

  • 5-step MRI scheduling process and simple approaches

  • 7 Sacred Keys for knowing exactly what to share with potential students

  • Gamification insights and implementation

  • Pre-selling strategies for early enrollment

  • Course content creation timing and approach

  • Boosting enrollment and exceeding sales goals

And that's just a glimpse of what's waiting for you in the Game On Goldmine!

JUST $97


 Your order is protected by a 365-day no-questions-asked

money-back guarantee. 

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